Amendment IV

“The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.”


What follows as “privacy policy” has not been reviewed by any legal office and certainly cannot be construed as reflecting the individual policies of any of the participating universities or organizations.


This website was created using WordPress and hosted by Bluehost. As such, those companies may be using cookies for their own technical security or marketing purposes. This site is intended to avoid creation of other cookies and shuns the employment of scripts which facilitate tracking and other “analytics.” Readers are encouraged to give consideration to using script-blocking browser plugins such as NoScript or simply turning JavaScript off whenever possible. Adding a virtual private network (VPN) of your own choice is increasingly a valuable tool these days. This site is intended to run without JavaScript and with cookies disabled.

Content from other websites

Whenever possible this site will provide links to research by students and faculty from the participating Colorado universities. Those links will go directly to the external source of publication and serve to raise awareness of the exceptional work being done in Colorado. These individual links are presented in the spirit of academic freedom to promote an open intellectual exchange and should not necessarily imply endorsement of the specific ideas described therein by the N3SP or any of its partner universities, event participants, donors or other supporters.

Use and retention of your data

In an ideal world, no personal data would be collected by this or any website. Exceptions are necessary in the case of commercial websites which need, at a minimum, the address of customers for shipping products. This is not a commercial website and does not sell products or services. If any personalized data is being collected on users of this website, it is contrary to the desires of the site’s creator and will be eliminated upon discovery.

What rights you have over your data

Again, in a properly ordered world your rights over your data would be total, absolute, and inviolable. Rights are not privileges granted or doled out in small measures by governments nor marginally tolerated by other entities, but are endowed by the Creator as “unalienable” essential traits of human existence . (see “Declaration of Independence” by Th. Jefferson, et al, 4 July 1776) Deliberate or capricious violations of such rights are the hallmark of tyrants and despots.

Where your data is sent

Data which is never collected in the first place, cannot be “sent” anywhere. Where possible, this site will prevent the collection of data, or in the event such efforts fail, will seek to disrupt and deny re-transmission where possible. The site creator is admittedly a novice in these efforts at present, but aspires to learn and improve.